Council 4 Staff Directory

To reach Council 4 staff, please call (860) 224-4000 and use our dial-by-name directory. You can also email us by clicking on the names below.

Council 4 Executive Staff 
Jody Barr, Executive Director, [email protected]
John Miller, Director of Collective Bargaining, [email protected]
Kelly Martinez, Director of Organizing & Member Services, [email protected]
TJ Clarke II, Chief of Staff, [email protected]
Megan Batchelder, Executive Assistant, [email protected]

Staff Representatives: 
Anthony Bento, [email protected]**
Gary Brochu, [email protected]**
Travis Cromack, [email protected]
Neal Cunningham, [email protected]
Lorin Raccuia, [email protected]
John DeVito, [email protected]
Joshua Herbst, [email protected]
Tricia Johnson, [email protected]**
Paul Lavallee, [email protected]
Heather Longo-Racicot, [email protected]
Robert Montuori, [email protected]
Charles Paris, [email protected]
Cherlyn Poindexter, [email protected]
Kelly Rommel, [email protected]**
Patrick Sampson, [email protected]
Tricia Santos, [email protected]
Chris Sugar, [email protected]**
Jason Wells, [email protected]

**Staff Representative/Attorney

Service Representatives: 
John Cole, [email protected]
Rudy Demiraj, [email protected]
Luke Leone, [email protected]
Bonnie Liedtke, [email protected]
Brett Owen, [email protected]
Edwin Perez, [email protected]
James Ferraro, [email protected]
Colin Provost, [email protected]
Kionna Owens, [email protected]

Field Representatives:
Meagan Balducci, [email protected]
Rob Raczka, [email protected]

Legislative & Political Associate Directors:
Brian Anderson, [email protected]
Zak Leavy, [email protected]

Alexander Guzman, Organizing Associate Director, [email protected]
Tyrell Alexander, Organizing Assistant, [email protected]

Mike Tuthill, Organizing Assistant, [email protected]
Michelle Armetta, Organizer Assistant, [email protected] 

Information Technology & Facilities Associate Director:
Jonny Dailey, [email protected]

Renee Hamel, Communications Associate Director, [email protected]
(MEDIA REQUESTS: [email protected])

Marge Boissonneault, Membership Coordinator, [email protected]
Nancy Sewell, Membership Coordinator, [email protected]

Serani Harrynarine, Financial/Benefit Coordinator, [email protected]
Monica McCalla, Assistant Financial/Benefit Coordinator, [email protected]

Stephanie Wise, Administrative Assistant Coordinator, [email protected]