Board of Ed Union Coalition Member Meeting | AFSCME Local 3713
When: Wednesday, Nov 18, 2020, 4:30pm - 6:00pm

Online via zoom

Meeting of public school employee union members to review ongoing health and safety issues impacting staff, students and communities in regional and local districts across the state. The Board of Education (BOE) union coalition, which includes Council 4, this past summer adopted requirements to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). 

Agenda will include discussion among members of the potential actions aimed at implementing and enforcing the coalition’s principles that they are willing to engage in.
Participation is limited to members of coalition unions in good standing.

Click here to send us an email requesting participation in the Nov. 18 meeting. We will respond with the zoom invitation link. Be sure to include your full name, Local AFSCME Union, and cell number.