CT AFL-CIO Biennial Political Convention (2 of 3)
Hartford Hilton
315 Trumbull Street
Hartford, CT 06103
Members of Council 4 AFSCME-affiliated unions are invited to attend the 12th biennial political convention of the Connecticut AFL-CIO. Delegates representing unions around the state are eligibale to particpate in the proceedings, which include endorsements of candidates for federal as well as state legislative and constitutional offices in 2018. The event is a unique opportunity to strengthen the voice of Connecticut's labor movement.
Tentative agenda (check back for updated information):
- Election program trainings;
- Endorsement of U.S. Senate candidate;
- Endorsement of State Senate & State House candidates; &
- Keynote speaker from national union.
Note: only credentialed delegates are eligible to vote to endorse candidates.