When: Saturday, Feb 23, 2019, 8:30am - 12:00pm

Laborers International Union, Local 455
3 Baer Circle
East Haven,  CT

The Connecticut AFL-CIO is organizing door-to-door canvasses in local communities to allow union members to volunteer in support . of labor-endorsed candidates endorsed for the special elections on Feb. 26, 2019.

The East Haven volunteer walk is focused on the 100th House District, where unions have endorsed Josh Balter for State Representative.

The labor walks are an opportunity for union members to canvass neighborhoods and have one-on-one conversations about the importance of the election with other union members. No experience is necessary -- training and material provided to all volunteers by Connecticut AFL-CIO organizers.

Please RSVP your participation to Brian Anderson at banderson@council4.org or Zak Leavy at zleavy@council4.org.