When: Thursday, Oct 22, 2020, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Via Zoom

Election Day is November 3. We have safe and fun volunteer opportunities to help elect pro-labor candidates to the Connecticut legislature. 

Member-to-Member Phone Banks*

  • Oct. 20th & 22nd by Zoom
  • Oct. 27th & 29th by zoom 

*We will provide zoom link and support to help you call your fellow union members.

Election Eve Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Activities

  • Nov. 2nd – GOTV PHONE BANK
  • Nov. 3rd – GOTV HUSTLE text reminders to members

If you want to help with any of these activities, please contact Council 4 political representatives, who can provide you times and meeting places and other resources: 

Brian Anderson: banderson@council4.org or (860) 690-2597
Zak Leavy: zleavy@council4.org or (860) 989–9116
Renee Hamel: rhamel@council4.org or (959) 208–6170

This information is paid for by Council 4 and is intended for members of Council 4 unions only. 
It is not paid for or endorsed by any political party or candidate’s campaign.
