In a recent letter to the editor of the New London Day, Local 3419 President Chris Gardner pushed back against the constant attacks on Connecticut state workers.
Here is Chris's letter:
Sick of blame heaped on Connecticut state workers
Published August 09. 2018 2:56PM | Updated August 09. 2018 6:18PM
I’m so tired of hearing politicians like Republican gubernatorial candidate David Stemerman who bash state of Connecticut employees to advance their careers. It's politicians like him who failed to fund the pension commitments in the first place. Compare the state to the private sector: Write a check, spend the money, don’t put it back, bounce the check, a late fee, you owe money. Should you be allowed to negotiate a new payment?
The reason why civil service jobs, like prison guards, state police officers, DCF social workers, DMV staff, are filled at all was the benefits that used to be offered. Many bash state employees until you need us. You need us in an emergency, to guard the criminals, or get your car on the road. Many state employees work for low pay in comparison to the private sector and it was the pension, health insurance and other benefits that made the difference in choosing to enter that career.
Many jobs, like mine, are extremely difficult, stressful and expose you to secondary trauma daily. Does yours?
Don’t you need people in those jobs? State employees have come to the table repeatedly to help. But enough. Smarten up folks and stay away from candidates who think attacking state employees again will solve all the state's problems.
Christopher Gardner