Next: Thursday, Dec 1, 2022, 6:15pm - 7:00pm
Repeats every month on January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, December on the first Thursday until Sun Jan 01 2023.

Online via Zoom 

The July Executive Board meeting has been canceled.

Council 4 Executive Board meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of every month unless otherwise noted. 

Due to the rise in positive COVID cases the Executive Board and Delegates meeting will be held via ZOOM.  These will not be in-person meetings. Please do not come to Council 4 to attend these meetings.

Links will be emailed to Board members prior to each meeting. 

Check our website and Facebook pages for weather-related and other updates.

If you have questions, please contact Megan Batchelder: or (860) 224-4000.