When: Thursday, Aug 13, 2020 - Friday, Aug 14, 2020, (All day)


For the first time in our union’s history, AFSCME International will hold its biennial convention entirely online.

The International Executive Board voted in March to move the 44th International Convention from an in-person event to a virtual event on Aug. 13 and 14 and Sept. 2.

The event’s theme will be “Front-Line Heroes: Never Stronger.” Details of what the virtual convention will look like and the agenda are being finalized.

The virtual convention will ensure that delegates from all across AFSCME can participate safely and securely from their homes. Convention business, programs, nominations and elections will all be conducted on secure digital platforms.

The convention will kick off at 2 p.m. Eastern Time on Aug. 13 and 14. Virtual meeting rooms will be available for Legislative District caucuses, and the convention will reconvene on Sept. 2 to install officers.

All delegates will be invited to a participate in a technology practice session prior to the virtual event. During the practice sessions, delegates will explore the virtual convention hall and test the technology.

AFSCME is fighting for front-line workers to secure protective gear, state and local funding and the resources public service workers need to get the job done. At this historic time, public service workers have never been more critical.

The AFSCME virtual convention will be an opportunity to chart the course forward for front-line heroes. More information will be announced and posted on the convention website as it becomes available.
