Hamden "Labor to Labor" Volunteer Walk
Operating Engineers Local 478
1965 Dixwell Ave.
Hamden, CT
The Connecticut AFL-CIO is organizing door-to-door canvasses in local communities across the state to allow union members to volunteer and get involved in supporting labor-endorsed candidates. These activities will focus on competitive races for the state legislature, the U.S. House of Representatives and state constitutional offices on the Nov. 6 election ballot.
The labor walks are an opportunity for union members to canvass neighborhoods and have one-on-one conversations about the importance of the election with other union members. No experience is necessary -- training and material provided to all volunteers by Connecticut AFL-CIO organizers.
Click here for a list of September walks.
Please RSVP your participation to Brian Anderson at banderson@council4.org or Zak Leavy at zleavy@council4.org.