When: Friday, Jan 11, 2019, 9:30am - 3:30pm

210 Capitol Avenue Room 310 (Old Appropriations)
Hartford, CT 06106
Click here for directions

The Connecticut School Finance Project and the League of Women Voters of Connecticut are proud to present Connecticut's first Pension Academy on Friday, January 11 at the State Capitol.

The Pension Academy is a daylong, nonpartisan event dedicated to examining the State of Connecticut's unfunded pension liabilities and their impacts on the state budget, while learning about potential ways policymakers can improve the financial viability of Connecticut's public pension systems and address some of the looming financial challenges facing the state.

Open to state and local policymakers as well as the general public, the Pension Academy will feature some of the nation's preeminent experts on public pension design and funding.

Council 4 has not endorsed this event and was not involved in any aspects of its planning. We encourage attendance as part of our ongoing campaign to protect public pensions and stop the "State Employee Blame Game."

Click here to register for the Pension Academy. Registration is free of charge.

For additional questions about the Pension Academy, please email the Connecticut School Finance Project at [email protected]
