The Council 4 PEOPLE Committee elected new leadership on April 16 during the Council 4 biennial conference, including officers for each congressional district and the statewide steering committee.
As dedicated and active participants of our labor-to-labor election program, PEOPLE officers lead the committee’s electoral efforts in interviewing and endorsing labor-friendly candidates. Regardless of the office the candidates are running for, it is imperative for elected officials to support Council 4’s mission of protecting and expanding pay, retirement security and health care.
Members of the PEOPLE Committee gathered to nominate and elect statewide steering committee officers. Stephen Wierbicki, AFSCME Local 269 secretary (State Department of Labor, P-2 Social and Human Services), was re-elected to a second term as chair. Brian Cutler, Council 4 Retirees Chapter, was elected vice chair.
During the meeting, Brian Anderson, Council 4 legislative and political director, presented Wierbicki with the PEOPLE Award.
Anderson said that Wierbicki is an avid leader of PEOPLE, adding that Wierbicki not only understands the importance of politics in fighting for better pay, health care and retirement security for union members, but also is a consistent volunteer, showing up to all candidate interviews and knocking hundreds of doors across the state for union endorsed candidates.
Congratulations Stephen and to all the new officers!
Congressional District 1:
Chair Stephen Wierbicki, Local 269
Vice Chair Dave Dumaine, Council 4 Retirees
Treasurer Colleen Carter, Local 704
Secretary Anthony Soto, Local 269
Legislative Secretary Tracy Cicero Reynolds, Council 4 Retirees
Congressional District 2:
Chair Brian Cutler, Council 4 Retirees
Vice Chair Gene Tewksbury, Council 4 Retirees
Treasurer David Mariasi, Local 2836
Secretary Carla Boland, Council 4 Retirees
No legislative secretary elected
Congressional District 3:
Chair Valencia Johnson, Local 318
Vice Chair Rob Raczka, Local 318
Treasurer Linnette Gaunichaux, Council 4 Retirees
Secretary Katrishia Bell, Local 269
Legislative Secretary Claudine Chambers, Local 3429
Congressional District 4:
Chair Xavier Gordon, Local 269
Vice Chair Melva Falberg, Local 269
Treasurer Ron Nelson, Local 749
Secretary Lorine Roberts, Council 4 Retirees
Legislative Secretary Cheryl Williams, Local 749
Congressional District 5:
Chair Glenn Guerrera, Local 714
Vice Chair Marybeth Kaczynski Hill, Local 2663
Treasurer Brendan McCann, Local 269
Secretary Kimberly Brown Smith, Local 196
Legislative Secretary Renee Jackson, Local 269
If you are interested in building union member political power, consider serving as a member of the PEOPLE Committee. For more information contact Council 4 Legislative & Political Associate Directors, Brian Anderson [email protected] or Zak Leavy at [email protected].
Another way to get involved is by attending the Council 4 Lobby Day on May 17 in Hartford. Meet your legislators and tell them to support a fair and equitable state budget. Register here.