July 6:
SEBAC Files Suit Over Administration's Failure To Abide by Telework Agreement
On Tuesday, July 6th Council 4 in concert with SEBAC, filed a motion seeking a temporary injunction requiring the State to abide by the fully executed temporary telework agreement.
As we wait for the result of the legal filings, you can review the status here:
July 1:
SEBAC and Administration Reach Telework Agreement
The State Employee Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) and the Lamont administration reached a new Telework Agreement that covers the transition period from July 1, 2021 to September 1, 2021.
- Click here to read the signed agreement.
Important Update: The administration’s denial of employee telework requests exceeding 50% of their work schedule, and their ignoring of various other aspects of the agreement, has forced SEBAC to file a grievance and a state prohibited practice charge. SEBAC is seeking immediate facilitation to reverse those denials, as well as court intervention to prevent irreparable harm while the grievance and/or the prohibited practice charge is pending
SEBAC is disappointed that the Lamont administration has already shown an intention to undermine and/or abrogate the agreement and left us no choice but to use all legal means at our disposal to defend it.
However, our union coalition remain committed to the transition agreement and to working in good faith to reach a final agreement that is in the interests of public employees and the public. In the meantime, we recommend the following:
- Use the state’s portal to submit your telework request.
- If you feel your request has been unfairly denied, alert your Local Union Steward immediately.